Emily Shimota, our Youth Minister at St. Wenceslaus in New Prague and a high school youth from our parish is on pilgrimage with March for Life and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. She will be blogging about her experience which will be shared here. Please follow this blog for regular updates about this awesome and life changing pilgrimage!The photo below was taken by our youth traveling with Emily while at the National Cathedral!
Greetings all!
This is Emily Shimota, your Youth Minister. I, along with one of our youth, am attending the March for Life pilgrimage with the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul. I will be writing a short daily blog with events and pictures to keep you all informed with what we have been doing on this pilgrimage. Thank you for reading, and please pray for us and for the pro-life movement!
All together we have about 270 youth, priests, chaperones and other youth ministers going to stand up for life. On Tuesday evening, we had a sendoff Mass with Archbishop Hebda presiding and received a special blessing.
We then began our long journey to Washington DC, spending about 24 hours on the bus. We drove through mountains, prayed morning and night prayer, discussed the dignity of the human person and human life, and got to know the other people on our bus. We arrived in DC this evening, checked into our hotel and had Mass, games, heard students’ testimonies, practiced our pro-life chants for the March on Friday, and prayed night prayer. Tomorrow we have Mass at the National Basilica and will go to the Holocaust Museum and the National Mall.
Our three pillars for this trip are Prayer, Education and Action. We are excited to continue this journey, and will update you all with more information and pictures tomorrow!
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