Letter from Our Parochial Administrator
Dearest Faithful at St. Wenceslaus, St. John, and St. Scholastica,
Due to the increasing number of confirmed cases of COVID-19/coronavirus in Minnesota, Archbishop Bernard Hebda this week announced his decision to dispense all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from their obligation to attend Sunday Mass, until further notice. This is a rare dispensation and a decision he said he did not take lightly. A copy of the Archbishop’s letter is on our parish website www.npcatholic.org , posted on bulletin boards, and a limited number on tables in back of our churches.
Despite the Sunday Mass dispensation, I will continue to offer Mass daily and weekends. Please use your good judgement as to whether to attend or not. Archbishop Hebda h
as also provided some simple ways to stay spiritually connected to the Church and each other, foremost among these is an invitation to participate in a special fast and abstinence this Wednesday, March 18. This day is offered up on behalf of God’s people here and throughout the world in this time of crisis.
I have met with our parish staff and we are here to support you and will continue delivering the latest updates for our local parish during this challenging time. Here’s how you can stay involved:
We will prayerfully consider all the information we receive, make prudent decisions based on the best information we receive, and communicate those decisions to you, our parish family.
We thank you for your support and faithfulness to our parish community. We are confident that together, with God’s help and guidance, we will make it through this time of uncertainty.
In Christ,
Fr. Eugene Theisen
Parochial Administrator
St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church
Due to the increasing number of confirmed cases of COVID-19/coronavirus in Minnesota, Archbishop Bernard Hebda this week announced his decision to dispense all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from their obligation to attend Sunday Mass, until further notice. This is a rare dispensation and a decision he said he did not take lightly. A copy of the Archbishop’s letter is on our parish website www.npcatholic.org , posted on bulletin boards, and a limited number on tables in back of our churches.
Despite the Sunday Mass dispensation, I will continue to offer Mass daily and weekends. Please use your good judgement as to whether to attend or not. Archbishop Hebda h
I have met with our parish staff and we are here to support you and will continue delivering the latest updates for our local parish during this challenging time. Here’s how you can stay involved:
- Monitor our parish website and social media for prayer intentions, news and event updates.
- Watch for emails with the latest information – and if you are not currently receiving emails from us, contact the parish office.
- Watch/listen to our Sunday Masses/Father’s homilies posted each week on our parish website.
- Participate in electronic giving to support our ongoing ministries and operations (please don’t misunderstand this item – there is going to be an economic impact across the board for everybody with this crisis. We will still have bills/salaries/wages to pay).
We will prayerfully consider all the information we receive, make prudent decisions based on the best information we receive, and communicate those decisions to you, our parish family.
We thank you for your support and faithfulness to our parish community. We are confident that together, with God’s help and guidance, we will make it through this time of uncertainty.
In Christ,
Fr. Eugene Theisen
Parochial Administrator
St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church
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